Total words: 246
abandon abandoned ability a bit able aboard about abruptly absentminded absolute absolutely accent accept access accident accomplish according account accounting accused ace ache a couple of acquaint acres across act action activate activity act of god actress actual actually adam add address adios adjoin admire admit adore advance advancement advantageous advertise advertising advertising campaign advertising department advice advise aeroplane a few affect affidavit affirmative afford afraid africa after after all afternoon afterward afterwards again age agent agnostic ago agony a good deal a great deal agree ahead aid aim air airplane alarmed albuquerque alcohol alcoholic alibi alike a little alive all all at once all day long alley all over allow all right all the time all the way all-time allure almost alone along a lot already alright also altar boy alternative always amaze amazed amazing ambitious ambulance america american amigo amount amputate amusing anaesthetic analogy analysis analyst analytical ancient and so and then angel anger angle angry animal ankle anniversary announce announcement annulment anodyne another answer answerable anxious any anyhow any longer anymore anyway anywhere anzio apart apartment apiece apologise apologize apology apparent apparently apparition appeal appealing appear appetite applaud applause apple appointed appointment appreciate appreciated appreciation appropriate approve april arc area argue argument arise arm armed army around arrangement arrest arrive arrive at arrogance art art critic art gallery artist art school as ash ashamed as it is ask ask for it asleep aspirin assassin asset assignment assume assure astound as usual as yet at all at all costs at a loss at a time at heart atheist at last at least atmosphere atmospheric condition atom atom bomb at once at one time attack attain attempt attend to attention attentive attic attitude attractive aunt australian authentic authorities authority auto autograph average await awake aware away awful awfully awhile awkward