Total words: 534
sack sacrifice sad sadden saddle saddled saddle sore safe safely safety sail sailor sainted sake salary saleable sales salesman saloon salt same sand san fernando valley sap satellite satisfactory satisfied saturate saturday saucer sausage savage save say scare scared scatter scattergun scene schedule scheduled scholarship school schoolboy schoolhouse science scientific scientist scoff score scotch scratch scrawny scream screaming scrimp scuffle scum sea seal seance search season second second gear second thought secrecy secret secretary secret code secure securely sedative see seek seem seize selection self self-conscious self-defense self-portrait self-respect sell sell out send send off senor sense senseless sensible sensitive sent sentence sentiment sentimental separate september sequin sergeant serial serious serious-minded servant serve service services set set in set off settle settle down settlement setup set up seven seven seas seventeen seventh several severe sew shade shadow shake shaken shakespeare shame shape shaped shapely share sharp shawl shed sheep sheet shelf shell shell out shelter sheriff sherlock sherry shiny ship shirt shivering shock shocked shocking shod shoe shoot shooter shooting shop shopping shore short shortly shorts short story shot shotgun shoulder shout show shower show up shred shrine shroud shuffleboard shut shut up shy sick sickness sick of side side door sidekick sight sign signal signature signed silence silent silk silly silverware similar simple simply simulated sing single sinner sir siren sister sister-in-law sit sit around sit down sit out situation six sixth size sizzling skeleton skepticism sketch skimpy skin skinflint skinny skip skull sky slack slam slash slay slayer slaying sleep sleepy slicker slight slim slim chance slip slipper slogan sloppy slow slowly slow-moving slow up slug small smart smash smell smile smock smoke smoked smooth snag snake snake charmer snap sneak sneak up snitch snoop snot snow snowball so soak soap sober so-called socially society sock socket soda sofa so far soft soften soldier solid solitary so long solution solve solving some somebody someday somehow someone some other someplace something sometime sometimes somewhere son song son-in-law sonny sonny boy soon sooner soothe sophistication sore sorry sort sort of so to speak soul sound soup up source south southeastern space spaceship space vehicle spaghetti spare speak speakeasy speak for speaking speak up special specialist specific specifically specimen speculate speech speed speedily speeding spell spend spider spirit spirits spit spit and polish splatter split spoil spokesman spook sporting sports car spot spread spread out spring square square deal squawk squeeze squeeze out stack staff stage stairs stake stall stamp stampede stand stand by stand for stand up star starch stare stark start startled starve stash away state stated statement station station house stay stay at stay away stay on stays stay together steadily steady steal steep steer step stepdaughter step out step up stew stick stick around sticking stick out stick together stick up still stimulant stimulate stimulating sting stink stinking stomach stomp stone stop storage store storm stormy story straight straighten out straightforward strain strange stranger streak street streetcar strength strengthen stress stretch strictly strike string strip stroke strong struggling stubborn stuck stud student studio studio apartment study stuff stuffy stumble stupid style subconscious subject substantial suburb subway success successful successfully such suck sucker sudden suddenly suds sue suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suit suitcase suite summer sun sunday sunday school sundown sunlight sunshine sunsuit sunup superintendent superlatively superman superstition superstitious supper supply support suppose supposed sure surely surpass surprise surprised surrender surrounded surroundings survival survive survivor suspense suspicion suspicious sustain swear swear in sweat swedish sweep sweep up sweet sweetheart sweetie swell swiftly swim swimming swindle swing switch switchboard switzerland sword sworn symbol sympathetic sympathy